Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome Back!

We had a great first day back together. We began our day by writing about vacation activities and then sharing what we wrote. We learned about Christmas and New Year parties as well as all of the fun we had in the snow! During morning meeting we not only read the message together but also filled in many missing letters by listening for the sounds in words. We even wrote some simple sight words like "is, we & and." At number corner we started a new month and year! The first calendar marker was a triangle and the second was a rhombus. We do not know what kind of pattern it will be but are hoping that tomorrow we have another clue with the third marker. After snack we opened a new book bin full of books about winter. It was a little disappointing to discover that the holiday books had been put away. In the afternoon we read a book about winter and then went outside to look for signs of winter. The chilly temperatures only allowed us to stay out for five minutes but in that time we noticed that it was cold, the ground was covered in snow, the trees were bare and that we could see our breath. We recorded our observations in our science notebooks and then it was time for free choice!

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