Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Special You, Special Me

We have been learning about Martin Luther King Jr. And his dream that all people would be accepted just as they are. Today we worked on a paper quilt to show the diversity of our class. Each child worked on drawing and writing about something that makes him/her special or unique, such as a physical feature, a special ability, or a unique hobby. Here are some examples:

"My Dad is Frank."
"I can swim underwater."
"I am lactose intolerant."
"I went to the circus with my mom."
"I play hockey."
"I was born in the winter, early, because I wiggled in my Mom's belly so much."

For all 17 pictures you will have to come check out he bulletin board outside of our classroom, :)

This was a great activity, not only because of the result, but because of the process. They worked so hard and were kind and helpful with each other. I was happy to be a part of such a positive experience with this amazing group of five and six year olds!

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