Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October Number Corner

Tomorrow marks the end of our "one dot, many dot cards" on our calendar. This month has kept us busy practicing the following skills and concepts:

Compare sets of objects and determine whether they have the same fewer, or more objects
Use and understand the words one/many, none/some/all, more/less, most/least, equal to/more than/less than
Describe numerals using 5 as a benchmark
Describe and extend simple growing and repeating patterns
Count and read numeral to 31

Our calendar held the dot cards but "our month in school" chart held weather cards. We had 22 school days in the month of October!
On our rainbow number line, where we record a number for each school day, we discovered that we have already had 41 days of kindergarten this year. Time is flying by!!!!

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