Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Weather

 We enjoyed the warm weather we had in March and are hoping it returns soon! Until then, we are celebrating Vermont Spring weather with poetry. Here is the poem we read today:

April Snow

Snow slipped quietly down last night
When the world was fast asleep.
This morning jonquils and hyacinths
Waked up and tired to peep
Over the feathery blanket of white
That covered all the ground.
Branches, bending its weight,
                                                                                     Complained with creaking sounds.
                                                                                     North Wind blew a blustering blast
                                                                                    "I'll chase the snow," he said.
                                                                                    But he couldn't and finally,
                                                                                    Warm Mr. Sun smiled it away instead.
                                                                                                           Jean Horton Berg


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