Friday, April 13, 2012

All About My Egg

 Prediction, observation, data collection, and measurement were our focus in a variety of small-group science activities today.

How Much Space?
We filled a clear cup with water to a line and recorded the level of water. Then we carefully placed an egg in the water and observed what happened to the water level. We talked about how the egg and the water cannot take up the same space at the same time. So the egg pushed the water  out of the way. Then we recorder the new water level.

How Much Weight?
In this exploration we used a balance scale to discover how many bears our eggs weighed. It was tricky to find the perfect balance. We found out that the size of the bears mattered a lot!
How Many Squares?
At this station we looked at a graphed square on our papers and guessed how many squares an egg would cover - whole and partial - and recorded our guesses. Then we traced our eggs and counted to see the actual number of squares.

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