Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Land, Farms & Me

The Land, The Farms and Me is an interdisciplinary unit of study with a goal for students to gain an understanding and appreciation of the many local agricultural and natural resources of the South Hero region. The LFM began in 2002 as a volunteer lead program of field trips and at school “hands-on” activities. The LFM’s activities and trips are planned to enhance the K-4 social studies and science curricula while incorporating literacy, writing and mathematics, while also helping to meet Vermont Grade Level Expectations.  

Last week we began a study of chickens and eggs. Parent volunteers Maia and Meg came in to talk about what we know about chickens and eggs, what we use them for (meat, eggs and feathers) and to do a number of hands-on experiments with eggs.  In our class over half of us have chickens at home! Our next LFM topic is seeds & plants. We will be working in the classroom and outside in the school garden. If you have any early seeds (spinach, peas, etc) please let me know.


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