Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dairy In The Classroom

We are lucky to have Virginia Holiman, from a program called "Dairy in the Classroom," in our room for the next few weeks. This program is a collaboration between the Dairy Promotion Board, The Department of Agriculture, and Shelburne Farms. So far we have learned about the resource farms are for people as well as the importance of seeds and plants. Virginia combines props, books, story telling, and humor to captivate her your audience while integrating literacy, math, science and social studies. Your child can already name three variety of cows, as well as what people use them for (milk vs meat), tell you how to make homemade butter, and had the opportunity to try some interesting fruits and vegetables. They ate moon squirters, orange twiglets, and green raindrops. Ask your child to translate 😉. 

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