Thursday, March 19, 2015

Writing For A Reason

In Writing Workshop we have learned how to write narratives and how-to books. This week we began a new unit with a focus on writing for a reason. Our first exploration is on writing persuasive texts. I intoduced this concept by reading the book "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!" And then asking students to come up with some reasons why the mother in the book should give the boy back his paints, even after he painted his whole body and a wall!! A tough sell for sure, but our kids came up with some pretty convincing reasons!!

The next day we talked about things we each feel strongly about. We shared out with a turn-and-talk and then with a whole group. Here are some of their ideas.

To convince Mrs. perry to bring my dog to school.
Get my brother to play with me.
I don't think I should have to clean up.
I think people should not litter.
I want to play more video games.
I want my mom to take me swimming a lot in the summer.
I want to bring my pet to school.
I do not want to take showers, I want my mom to let me take baths instead.
I want Mrs. Couture to let me bring my rubber duck to school.
I want my mom to let me eat more Oreo cookies.

We started making posters and will soon move to essays! 

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