Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Pig Parade

A pig parade, good idea or bad idea? This was the question in our kindergarten this morning. During morning meeting we recorded our opinions on a graph and then analyzed the data. More of us thought a pig parade was a good idea than terrible idea (surprise, surprise) 😄 In writing workshop we read the book "A Pig Parade Is A Terrible Idea" by Michael Ian Black. We did what is called a "close read," which is when you listen for a specific purpose. Our purpose was to identify the authors problem and his reasons for wanting to solve the problem. We then did a turn and to identifying them to our partners. By this time we were ready to identify our own problem or something we feel strongly about and want to change, and start writing!!!! Below are our anchor charts and the beginnings of some impressive persuasive writing. 

"I will convince Mrs. Couture I can play cars. It is fun!"

"I want to stay up past my bedtime."

"My dad should fix my four wheeler fast."

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