Friday, November 9, 2012


A message from Mrs. Hayes . . .

Thursday, kindergartners and I read Olive and the Big Secret by Tor Freeman. The children told me what Mrs. Couture had taught them about secrets, including that feelings get hurt when people tell secrets and sometimes then friends won’t play with you. Last week, I introduced the concept of setting to the students by reading Mem Fox’s books, Guess What? and Boo to a Goose.

This week the students drew their favorite character from Olive and the Big Secret as well as the setting. Some of your children are writing labels on their drawings like Donald Crews does in his books. Many of your children know that the author writes the words and the illustrator creates the pictures.

One student figured out Olive’s secret – “she loves him!” -- even though the author kept the secret! She was able to point to the evidence – the end papers – which show Olive’s friend Molly looking dreamy-eyed with hearts coming from her head in the beginning of the book and then … with more hearts coming from her head as she is leaning toward Ziggy at the end of the book.

Please remember that if your child forgets to bring library books back on Thursdays -- our designated library day -- that it's OK to bring them back on Fridays (or any other day) and then check out the books selected during library time! Read, read, read!

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