Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Message from Mrs. Hayes

Before Thanksgiving, I read More by I.C. Springman and illustrated by Brian Lies. This book incorporates informational text in a story – an exciting mix! The Common Core is requiring us to read more informational text to our students. Studies have shown that American students struggle with informational text, especially when they reach high school and college. So, we are starting early!

More tells the story of a crow who starts with “nothing.” He and his friend mouse then start collecting. First, they have “something”: a marble. Then they add a Lego brick and a coin – “a few.” Suddenly, they have “several”: a coin, a Lego brick and a marble. They add “more, more, more.”

This student shares a favorite scene, as the crow is filling up the nest with treasures.

This child shares a favorite character from the book.

This student shows the crow and adds the words – “more, more” as crow is collecting.

This student shows Crow and Mouse and adds the words “more,” and “too much.”

One student pointed out that the message of the story is that you can collect too many things and then before you know you have too much stuff. In the story the crow’s tree limb is breaking from the weight of a nest overfilled with treasures. “Enough!” Mouse says.

Several of the words from the book – enough, few, several, less, plenty – were added to our kindergarten Word Wall in the Community Room. Kindergarten words are in blue. I am encouraging the students to use these words in our writing and speaking. The other teams have words, too. Come check them out!

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