Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mystery Sounds

 In Mystery Sounds, an interactive, hands-on science activity, we explored sound to develop our awareness of our sense of hearing. This was an opportunity to listen carefully to identify the objects inside a variety of boxes using only our sense of hearing. Students were divided into groups of four with 4 different boxes. They worked together to guess what was in the box and then record their guesses on a science notebook page. The choices were a paper clip, cotton ball, penny,  and marble. All of the items were on the table for comparison. At the end, when we checked, there were many surprises! Goals of this activity include:
  • Children will understand that some objects can be identified and compared by the sounds they make
  • Children will understand that the sense of hearing provides information about the properties and characteristics of objects and event
  • Children will develop their abilities to explore and observe as well as identify patterns

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