*Description taken from Teachers Guide: Getting Started Bridges in Mathematics
Unifix Cube Measuring: At this Work Place students estimate the length of designated objects and then measure the objects using a benchmark of 10 unifix cubes. It addresses the following skills:
- estimating length using a benchmark of 10 unifix cubes
- Measuring with nonstandard units
- Counting quantities to 30 and beyond
- Recording and comparing results
Fives-Up: This is a partner game in which students search for combinations of dot cards and /or numeral cards that total 5. Skills involved are:
- Read numerals to 5
- Compose and decompose numbers to 5
- Model addition by joining sets
- Verbally describe mathematical relationships involving addition situations
- Use one-to-one-correspondance to count and compare sets of objects
- Recognize pennies and dimes by name and value
- Count and compare quantities from 1-30
- Trade 10 pennies for a dime
- Count by 10's to 30
- Counting quantities from 10-27 using benchmarks of 10's, 5's and 1's
- Comparing sets (more, less or equal)
Frog Handfuls: In this Work Place students grab a handful of frogs, estimate and record how many they think they have, and then count with ten-frames to find out the actual number. There are many skills to practice with this Work Place including:
- Estimating with 10's, 5's and 1's
- Counting quantities to 20
- Sharing counting strategies
- Comparing sizes
- Writing 2-digit numbers
- Read numerals to 10
- Identify the ordinal positions of objects
- Model addition for numbers less than 10 by joining sets of objects
- Count on to add two numbers
Information complied from Teachers Guide Volume Two, Bridges in Mathematics
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