Friday, May 11, 2012

Math Work Places

 Math Work Places* consist of games and activities that extend and enrich children's learning. They consist of games and activities designed for independent use by students working alone, with partners, or in small groups. Most involve use of concrete or visual models. The Work Places provide for choice, collaboration, and cooperation among students. They encourage application and practice of previously taught skills.

*Description taken from Teachers Guide: Getting Started Bridges in Mathematics

 Math Work Places are rotated in and out to correspond with our math lessons. This week we are working with the following Work Places:

Unifix Cube Measuring: At this Work Place students estimate the length of designated objects and then measure the objects using a benchmark of 10 unifix cubes. It addresses the following skills:
  • estimating length using a benchmark of 10 unifix cubes
  • Measuring with nonstandard units
  • Counting quantities to 30 and beyond
  • Recording and comparing results

 Fives-Up: This is a partner game in which students search for combinations of dot cards and /or numeral cards that total 5. Skills involved are:
  • Read numerals to 5
  • Compose and decompose numbers to 5
  • Model addition by joining sets
  • Verbally describe mathematical relationships involving addition situations
  • Use one-to-one-correspondance to count and compare sets of objects
 Race You to 30 cents!: To play this game players spin and count pennies. When you have 10 pennies you can trade for a dime. The first player to get EXACTLY 30 cents wins! This is a great oppourtunity to:
  • Recognize pennies and dimes by name and value
  • Count and compare quantities from 1-30
  • Trade 10 pennies for a dime
  • Count by 10's to 30
Count & Compare Unifix Cubes: In this game students compare two cards to see which shows more and less. Then they spin to see who gets to take the cards, the student who has more or less. Playing this game helps us practice:
  • Counting quantities from 10-27 using benchmarks of 10's, 5's and 1's
  • Comparing sets (more, less or equal)

 Frog Handfuls: In this Work Place students grab a handful of frogs, estimate and record how many they think they have, and then count with ten-frames to find out the actual number. There are many skills to practice with this Work Place including:
  • Estimating with 10's, 5's and 1's
  • Counting quantities to 20
  • Sharing counting strategies
  • Comparing sizes
  • Writing 2-digit numbers
Frogs & Lillypads: This is a board game that provides students with the opportunity to practice counting on. Students spin the spinner, add the two numerals, and move their pawn to the lillypad if thel illypad has the sum. Relevant skills are:
  • Read numerals to 10
  • Identify the ordinal positions of objects
  • Model addition for numbers less than 10 by joining sets of objects
  • Count on to add two numbers

Information complied from Teachers Guide Volume Two, Bridges in Mathematics

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