Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Morning Meeting Greetings

Each day we begin with a greeting during our morning meeting. It is a nice way to start our day. Here are some of our favorites:

Silly Voices - students greet each other with a "Good morning ......." in silly voices. Today we used a squeaky voice and we all laughed so hard. Other voices include cowboy, opera, whisper, baby, underwater, and cowboy.

Dice Greeting - one student rolls a die and counts that number of students clockwise around the circle to greet that person. The "roller" sits down and the greeted student rolls the die again. Continue until everyone has been greeted.

Friends In Our Class - this song is sung to the tune of The Adam's Family
Friends in our class (snap, snap)
Friends in our class (snap, snap)
Friends in our class, friends in our class,
Friends in our class (snap, snap)
There's (name) and there's (name), there's
(name) and there's (name), we're here to learn and play!

Circle Greeting - create an "inner" circle and an "outer" circle with students facing each other. Students will give a handshake and a "Good morning, . .  . ." Then, ask either the inner circle or the outer circle to rotate one person to the right. 

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