Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Our Classroom

Since I am still waiting for a few Internet usage permission forms and cannot post pictures of students yet, I thought I would put up a few of things around our classroom. Then parents, grandparents, siblings, extended family and friends can get a little glimpse into what we have been up to the last couple of weeks :)

The first is a picture of the bulletin board we made right outside our classroom door. We are learning about how we are alike and different, but still belong together as a class family. You will notice its true! The people (us) on our board do all look different but are all together!

The next two pictures are of our number corner. Number corner is a huge part of our math program. We use it for basic calendar information (days, months, year, birthdays) and so much more. This month we are using the September calendar to identify and describe shapes. We also keep track of the days we have been in school with a rainbow number line, links and pocket chart.

The last is a shape sort we did. It was interesting to discover that some shapes could fit in more than one place. For example, a triangle has straight sides and 3 corners. E had some great discussions around shape attributes!

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