Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We are learning about living and non-living! The essential questions for this unit are:
1)How are living and non-living things alike and different?
2) How do plants and animals get what they need to survive?

Classroom activities will help students to . . .

Identify living and nonliving things

Observe and record what happens when food and water are given to living and non-living things.

Explain the process of an investigation before and during the process (e.g. planning, investigating, and explaining can happen simultaneously.) Use procedures that are safe and humane.

Drawing scientifically:
a Record shapes and prominent features with supporting details and color.
b. Spatially organize and differentiate significant parts observed.
c. Add essential information to a diagram provided by the teacher.
d.Use simple equipment and non-standard measurement tools to gather data and to extend the senses (e.g. balances, scales, counters, magnifiers).

Follow teacher guidance to complete steps while investigating a question.

Explain observations with the support of material props, photographs, drawings, or diagrams.
(MK:25 Organizes and display data using diagrams, models, or tally charts through written or verbal/ scribed response to answer questions related to the data, to analyze the data to formulate conclusions. )

Identify similarities between past experiences and current investigations.

Care for plants and animals by identifying and providing for their needs.

Last week we began this unit through a connection to literacy by reading "In The Tall, Tall Grass" by Denise Fleming. We spotted many living things in this book and started a discussion about how we can tell when something is living or non-living. This led us to an investigation of non-fiction books, including "Alive or Not Alive" it also gave us a great opportunity to really look at the features of non-fiction text (table of contents, glossary, headings, etc). Before finishing, we started a chart about what we know, want to know and learned about this topic. Later in the day we went out and planted our garden! We planted spinach, lettuce, summer squash and carrots.

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