Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April Number Corner

Number Corner

Our April calendar markers are pictures of different measurement tools. They are providing us with the opportunity to identify some of the tools commonly used to measure time, weight, temperature, and length. Each day we add a calendar marker, record the number of school days for the month and year, and talk about the days of the week. Each day we are practicing the following skills & concepts:


  • Identify the appropriate instruments to measure time, weight, temperature and length
  • Describe and extend simple repeating patterns
  • Read aloud numerals from 0 to 31
  • Identify ordinal positions through the 31st

  To keep track of the days of school in April we are conducting a probability experiment. We are using a spinner that is ¼ dog and ¾ cat. Each day we spin and put a picture of whatever we spin (dog or cat), then record the result on a graph and finally write a number sentence reflecting the spin. So far the cats are way ahead of the dogs! We have talked a lot about how the chances are better for the cats because they occupy more space on the spinner than the dogs. 

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