Monday, March 26, 2012

Book Buddies

 On Friday Folsom students from kindergarten to eighth grade partnered up to read! Each partnership consisted of a younger and older student. The last time we read together older students read to younger students but this time we switched roles with younger students reading to their older student partners.

We brought our browsing boxes with us. A browsing box is an individual collection of books that each student has read during guided reading groups. Therefore, every book can be read independently, with confidence and fluency, by its owner. It was pretty amazing to watch the youngest students in our school read book after book to the "big kids!" Great job kindergarten!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tara, John and I are off again on another adventure. It is great to keep in touch with Ava' activities by checkong your class blog. I love the way your class sounds....just like mine was.... Browsing baskets, reading partners, Fundations, oh so many great activities. I also have enjoyed watchimg Ava make such great progress. I have started a new blog. Just go to my old site and there will be a link at the top of te right column. Berney
