Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mystery Bags

We had a great time exploring our sense of touch in science today. We began with a group discussion with some focus questions.
 "What happens when you close your eyes?"
 "How can you tell who is sitting next to you?"
" How could you get to the door?"
"How would you know when you got to the door?"
"How can you move about with your eyes closed?"

We then used some mystery bags to talk about objects without looking at them and asked more questions.
"What does your sense of touch tell you?"
"What does the object feel like?"
"Can you tell what something is without looking?"

We ended using a different set of mystery bags. Each bag had a matching bag. Students described what they were feeling in each bag to match the objects. No one peeked, everyone cooperated and we did it! The vocabulary during this activity was astounding! I have tried to upload a video but am not sure if I can make it work or not. I am having some technical difficulties :)

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