Tuesday, September 6, 2011


School begins for kindergarten students September 7 at 8:00. I will meet students at the door. We have a busy fun day planned!


  1. Hi Mrs. Couture, We are Ava's grandparents: Nana and Tools. We are living in a little coastal town in Italy for the next 7 weeks. Thank you so much for creating a blog so that we can be a part of Ava's first few weeks in school. I have just retired after teaching a 1/2 multi age and sometimes K in the the Westford Elementary School. I am blogging as well and thought you might like sharing my blog with Ava's class once in a while. adventurefriendsbandj.blogspot.com. I am also taking Flat Stanley on an adventure in Italy for my colleagues back at the Westford School. I would be happy to email pics of him to you or to Mary Jo McCarthy who is a friend of mine. Hope you have a great first week!

  2. Thanks so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it! I would love to connect with you by exploring your blog as a class and also being a part of your flat stanely project. I was also wondering if you would be willing to skype with our class? On another note, if you taught in Westford you must know my Uncle Craig, Westford bird house builder :)
