Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

We read some fun books, played a Halloween math game, used shapes to create jack-o-lanterns, made some decorations, dressed up, paraded around the school, and enjoyed a special snack. It was a great day!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Buddy Reading

Kindergarten students at Folsom used "buddy reading" as another way to build reading muscles. Buddy reading is when kids practice reading by working together, sharing books, reading, listening and discussing books. 

Rainy Day

The rainy weather may have stopped us from having recess outside today, but it did not stop us from getting some awesome exercise. Moretti, our friend from RiseVT, stopped by and lead us in a whole group movement activity that involved aerobics and drumming. It felt great and was so much fun, we can't wait to do it again.

Our Message

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Writing Workshop

We are writing personal narratives during writing workshop time. Today, we talked about topic choice and choosing a topic from our hearts. The book "The Best Story" by Eileen Spinelli helped us understand what that meant. Then we did a turn-and-talk as a way of brainstorming topics that are meaningful to each of us. Then, of course, we started writing!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Book Shop Time

We have been working really hard at picking books that are "just right." This means they are not too hard and not too easy. We read the book "Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians" to develop an understanding of what just right really means. The next day we read "Shoes For Me" to develop an understanding of a good fit in a book, meaning are you interested in the book and are you able to understand it. Just like shoes there are a lot of choices of books about a lot to topics.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Positional Words

Today we played Simon Says with shapes, using positional words. This is how it worked. We each had six shapes and we had to put the shapes in certain locations around a pencil. Simon was saying things like, "Pick up the shape with 4 sides and put it above the pencil." Then we played another game that involved listening and following the direction. An example is "Put your circle below the crayon." It was fun, and the magical part was we had some students from South Burlington High School to help lead our groups.

3 Ways To Read

Prior to today's lesson we learned about reading a book using the words and by using the pictures. Today was he day that we learned about reading by retelling. To do this you pick a familiar book (No David! By David Shannon was what we used today for our mentor text), and retell the story based on what you remember, can read in the pictures and can read in the words. After a short mini-lesson we were ready to try retelling. We used some of our favorite books - Elephant & Piggie!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Making Shapes

Today's math exploration lead us to an exploration of shapes. We read the book The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns. In this book a dissatisfied triangle visits a shapeshifter to add another angle to his shape. He becomes a quadrilateral, then a pentagon, then a hexagon and so on and so on. After reading we made our own shapes with Popsicle sticks. It was tricky to figure out how to arrange the popsicle sticks to create different shapes. We really had to think about the number of sides and angles. 

Elephant And Piggie Books

We got a book order today with 10 books by author Mo Willems featuring Gerald and Piggie. We use these books a lot, to talk a lot including . . . . concepts about print, punctuatin and reading with expression. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Disappearing Willie

Our morning meeting activity today provided  us the opportunity to practice and reinforce the important phonological skill of rhyming! When we arrived today Willie was on the white board, I explained that we were going to make him disappear by erasing one part a time. In order to erase a part we had to rhyme with a phrase. For example: " He can't smell a rose if you erase his _____." We had so much fun with this!!!

Read By The Pictures

We learned today that there are many ways to read a book and that beginning readers read books by looking at the pictures. NO David by David Shannon was our mentor text that was used to model reading the pictures. Then students were provided with books to try it out for themselves. When we were done the books they picked were put into their browsing boxes for re-reading later! Check back soon for other ways to read a book!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Math In Our Message

This looks like a simple message, but in reality it is an opportunity to practice early math and literacy skills. We were able to cover the following concepts and standards:
1) Concepts about print, including reading left to right and top to bottom as well as the difference between a letter and a word
2) Isolation of initial phonemes
3) Math Common Core Standard K.CC.3 - Write numbers 0-20
4) Math Common Core Standard K.CC.1 - Count to 100 by ones
5) Math Common Core Standard K.CC.2 Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence