Saturday, February 20, 2016

Dancing Raisins

We conducted another experiment using the scientific method to question, hypothesize, test, record and draw conclusions. We put raisins in seltzer to see what would happen. Some of us hypothesized nothing, some said they would sink, still others said they would float. None of us were prepared for what happened! The raisins sunk to the bottom, but while we were recording this result, things began to change. The raisins became covered with bubbles and floated to the top, then would sink again. We observed closely, and then had a great discussion about the scientific reason. The student-to-student discussions were phenomenal! 

3D Shape Hunt

We cruised the school today looking for spheres, cubes, rectangular prisims, cones, cylandirs and pyramids. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Thank you to the Folsom PTO for purchasing a new set of polydrons and magnatiles for us!!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Science Explorations

We used the scientific method today in a balloon investigation. Our question was: "Do you think we can put a skewer through a balloon?" 

We thought like scientists! First we asked a science question. Next we hypothesized and discussed each hypothesis. Then we discovered the answer through researching, observing and experimenting. The discussions, enthusiasm and hands-on learning were awesome.