Monday, January 11, 2016

I Can Predict What Will Happen Next

Today we learned that when super-readers read they make predictions while they read. This is what we did to practice predicting . . . .

First we notice how the book goes.
Then we think about what is going to happen next.
Last we turn the page and read it to check.

We practiced predicting with a few turn-and-tells and then actually stopped to jot our final prediction on post it notes. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Pointer Power

We have pointer power! Today, we doubled our power by working with a partner. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Holiday Hop

We had a great time the last day before vacation with the first and second grade making holiday decorations. There were reindeer, candy canes, Christmas trees, sugar cookies, smiles, laughs and fun!