Friday, September 26, 2014

Curious George In The Book Corner

We have many books in our classroom library, but some of our favorites are the Curious George books. During Reading Workshop, Quiet Reading, and Free Choice time you will find us all around the room listening to our favorites as well as reading ourselves with the pictures.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

August Orientation

Now that all the picture permission slips are in I can share pictures from our first day together way back in August. This was our chance to meet our new teachers, check out the classroom and explore the school. It was a great way to begin our year!

Hackett's Orchard Field Trip

It was a beautiful day for our Hackett's field trip!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Classroom Community

We have been so hard at work learning the school rules and forming a kind, safe, responsible classroom community. Today we discussed what it looks like, sounds like and feels like when we are being kind to each other. Our discussion lead us to the topic of belonging, and how we can each do our part to not leave our friends out. We read some great books including "The Very Special Critter" and "Will I Have A Friend?" We drew pictures to illustrate our thoughts around belonging . . . . Here are some of our ideas . . . . 

"Belong in is playing together with pop-cubes."
"Belonging is throwing a party for your sister."
"It is me and . . . . Holding hands."
"We are sharing and using pop-cubes for minecraft."
"Me and . . . . sitting together at lunch."
"Me and . . . . jumping on a trampoline."
"Belonging feels likes a rainbow with raindrops around it."
"Belonging is friendly kids going to kindergarten."
"Belonging is two kids playing at school."
"Me playing carefully with my baby brother."
"Belonging is building a tower with . . . ."
"Belonging is like when one kitty gets lost and the other one found it and said 'you can go to my house.'"
"This is one friend telling another friend, 'Do you want to come play blocks with me?'"
"Belonging is holding hands."
"This is my family. Mommy is holding a ball for us to share."