Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mr. Gove's Last PE Class!!!!

We had the honor of being the last class Mr. Gove will ever teach here at Folsom, after 27 years! Thanks for everything Mr. Gove!

The Needs of Bean Plants

We observed and charted the growth of our bean plants today. We talked a lot about the way the plants grew differently under a variety of conditions.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Needs of Living Things

During today's science time we started our experiments on our bean plants. We discussed the things they need to grow and then set up simple experiments to demonstrate the seedlings needs for such things as water and light. We documented our predictions and will check to see what is happening next week.

Guest Reader

We are so lucky because this second grader picked reading to us as her individual PBIS reward!

Fire Safety With SHVFD